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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Life Cycle Inventory (LCI)
Name of source U.S. Life-Cycle Inventory Database V1.6.0
Provider National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Summary text Data modules that quantify the material and energy flows into and out of the environment for common unit processes.
Licensing Free (requires registration)
Language(s) English
Access – data formats and accessibility
File type HTML (web) access to xls file (streamlined and detailed), EcoSpold spreadsheet, EcoSpold XML file
Software needs Microsoft office
Contents – breadth and depth of datasets
Age 1990 - 2006
Geography USA, Global
Original Data Source(s) Academic research
Other Databases Included  
Life cycle stages Various
Modeling approach  
Emissions results Life cycle inventory – separate outputs
Number of datasets 100 (estimate)
Main topics Energy carriers and technologies; Materials production; Transport services
Other topics Agricultural production means; Food and renewable raw materials
Data transparency – what metadata is provided for each dataset?
System boundaries Yes
Data Types Process
Allocation Methods Yes
Technology Yes
Data year Yes
Original source No
Uncertainty Yes
Quality – is information provided on data quality?
Data quality score No
Quality assurance Yes
Standards compliant ISO 14048