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Calculation Tools and Guidance
In response to user needs, the GHG Protocol has developed additional guidance that builds upon the more general standards.

GHG Protocol tools enable companies and cities to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their GHG emissions, and help countries and cities track progress toward their climate goals. 

Calculating emissions is a multi-step process. An accurate and useful inventory can only be developed after careful attention to quality control issues and to the activity data required. Only then should emissions be estimated. Companies should consult GHG Protocol’s Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard for guidance on the entire inventory development process.

Below is a complete listing of all tools developed by GHG Protocol. Our tools enable companies to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their GHG emissions. Each tool reflects best-practice methods that have been extensively tested by industry experts. Many tools are accompanied by a PDF guidance document, which provides step-by-step guidance on the use of a tool and should be consulted first. Most companies will need to apply more than one tool to cover their emissions.

There are different resources for navigating GHG Protocol tools:

Cross-Sector Tools

These tools are applicable to many industries and businesses regardless of sector.
Note: International emission factors for electricity use are no longer available from the GHGP website and can be purchased from the IEA.

Emission Factors

 This workbook contains cross-sector emission factors and unit conversions that can be used to estimate emissions from stationary combustion, purchased electricity, and mobile combustion.

GHG Emissions from Stationary Combustion (English)
GHG Emissions from Stationary Combustion (Chinese)
GHG Emissions from Transport or Mobile Sources
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Equipment

The RAC tool calculates the HFC and PFC emissions from the manufacture, servicing, and/or disposal of RAC equipment. The tool offers three methods: A sales based approach for manufacturers and users; a life cycle stage approach for users; and a basic screening approach that is intended to help companies gauge whether or not their emissions merit the use of one of the other, more advanced methods.

Global Warming Potential Values
Allocation of Emissions from a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant
Measurement and Estimation Uncertainty of GHG Emissions

Country-Specific Tools

These GHG calculation tools have been customized for particular developing countries.

Chinese Coal Fired Power Plants Tool
GHG Protocol Tool for Energy Consumption in China (Chinese)
CO2 Emissions from the Production of Cement (CSI) - Chinese version
CO2 Emissions from the Production of Cement (US EPA) - customized tool for India
Pulp and Paper Tool - customized for Mexico (English version)
Pulp and Paper Tool - customized for Mexico (Spanish version)
Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator (US EPA)

Sector-Specific Tools

These tools are principally designed for the specific sector or industry listed, though they may be applicable to other situations.


The Aluminum tool, jointly developed by the International Aluminum Institute and the GHG Protocol, allows the CO2 and PFC emissions from primary aluminum production to be calculated. 

Adipic Acid

The Adipic acid tool allows the N2O emissions from adipic acid production to be estimated. It requires data on the amount of adipic acid produced. The tool also calculates any emissions reductions associated with the use of emissions control technologies.


The Ammonia tool requires data on the amounts of ammonia that a plant has produced. The tool allows emissions reductions associated with the use of by-product hydrogen to be calculated.

Cement (CSI) - English

The CSI tool is for estimating GHG emissions from cement manufacture. This clinker based tool is suitable for when the amount of clinker consumed is known.

Cement (CSI) - Chinese

The CSI tool is for estimating GHG emissions from cement manufacture. This clinker based tool is suitable for when the amount of clinker consumed is known.

Cement - US EPA

This tool is for estimating GHG emissions from cement manufacture. This tool requires data only on annual cement production. Emissions are calculated using clinker: cement ratios and CaCO3: raw meal ratios. This tool is based on the U.S. EPA’s ClimateWise program (1999).

Iron and Steel

The Iron and Steel tool provides two different methods for calculating CO2 emissions. One method requires data on the quantities of reducing agents and blast furnace additives used, as well as the quantities of the carbonate fluxes introduced into the furnace. The alternative method requires data on the amount of iron or steel produced, as well as of the carbonate fluxes. The emissions calculation from either method can be adjusted to account for the export of carbon-bearing byproducts.


The HCFC–22 tool provides two different methods for calculating HFC-23 emissions from HCFC-22 production. One requires data on the flow rate and composition of the HFC-23 exit streams. The other requires data on the amount of HCFC-22 that has been produced. Both allow the emissions reductions associated with the use of emissions control technologies to be calculated.

Nitric Acid

The Nitric acid tool allows the N2O emissions from nitric acid production to be estimated. It requires data on the amount of nitric acid produced. The tool also calculates any emissions reductions associated with the use of emissions control technologies. 

Pulp and Paper

The Pulp and Paper tool offers a collection of tools that cover the emission sources typically associated with a pulp and paper plant. It is a joint product of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations and the GHG Protocol.


The Semiconductor tool calculates the PFC emissions from semi-conductor wafer production. Required data include the quantities of gas that have been both consumed in wafer production and destroyed using abatement technologies, and the number of wafers produced by size.


The Wood Products tool offers a collection of tools that cover the emission sources typically associated with a Wood Products plant. 


The Lime tool allows the CO2 emissions from lime production to be calculated. It requires data on the quantities of the different lime types produced. 

Tools for Countries and Cities

These tools help countries and cities track progress toward their climate goals.

Mitigation Goal Standard Calculation Tool

This tool helps countries and cities assess progress toward national and subnational greenhouse gas reduction goals.

Policy and Action Standard Calculation Tool
We are currently working on a fix to this tool and will provide updates via our newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe to our email list please follow the link below.