Mitigation Goal Standard
The standard can help governments set emission-reduction targets, meet domestic and international emissions reporting obligations to groups like the UNFCCC, and ensure that efforts to reduce emissions are achieving their intended results.
Mitigation Goal Standard Background
The GHG Protocol Mitigation Goal Standard was developed along with the Policy and Action Standard, an accounting and reporting standard for estimating the greenhouse gas effect of policies and actions.
Over 270 participants from 40 countries were involved in developing the two new standards. As part of the process, pilot tests were conducted on goals at the national or subnational level in Chile, India, Israel, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Who Can Use the Mitigation Goal Standard?
This standard is intended primarily for national and subnational government agencies involved in setting and tracking mitigation goals.
Companies and organizations may also find this guidance useful. They may also refer to Chapter 11 of the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard for specific guidance on corporate mitigation goals. The standard may also be useful for research institutions and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that are assessing the emissions impacts of mitigation goals and tracking progress toward their achievement.