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The Brazil GHG Protocol Program was launched May 12, 2008 in Brasilia to promote voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) management by building technical and institutional capacity for GHG accounting and reporting at the organizational level. It is a partnership of Brazil’s Ministry of Environment, the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, the World Business Council on Sustainable Development, and the World Resources Institute. Brazil is the third country after Mexico and the Philippines to develop a national GHG emissions program based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. [Click here]( to visit the Brazil GHG Protocol Program's website (in Portuguese). ## Program Partners ## * MMA - Brazilian Ministry of Environment * CEBDS - Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desensvolvimento Sustentável * FGV - Fundação Getúlio Vargas * WBCSD - World Business Council for Sustainable Development * WRI - World Resources Institute ## Funders ## * The [British Embassy]( * [U.S. Agency for International Development]( (USAID) ## Member Companies ## Participation in the program is voluntary; participants receive training and capacity-building on GHG accounting and publish annual GHG inventories. The program now has over 70 [member companies](, including many of Brazil's biggest. The twenty-seven founding member companies are listed below. The founding members are: * Alcoa (Aluminum) * AMBEV (Beverage) * Anglo American (Mining & Natural Resources) * Arcelor Mittal (Steel) * Banco do Brasil (Finance) * Banco Itau (Finance) * Banco Real (Finance) * Bradesco (Finance) * Braskem (Chemicals) * BRF Brasil Foods (Food) * CNEC (Engineering) * CESP (Energy) * Copel (Electrical Utility) * Embraer (Aerospace) * Energias do Brasil (Electrical Utility) * Ford (Automotive) * FURNAS Centrais Elétricas (Electrical Utility) * Grupo Abril (Media) * Natura (Cosmetics) * O Boticario (Cosmetics) * Petrobrás (Petroleum) * Polícia Federal (Federal Police) * Suzano Papel e Celulose (Paper Production) * Usina São João (Sugar Production) * Votorantim (Manufacturing) * WalMart Brasil (Retail) * Whirlpool S.A. (Manufacturing) **OBSERVERS** * CETESB - Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental * ICLEI - Local Government of Sustainability ## Program Resources ## The following Brazil-specific [resources]( are available in Portuguese: * **Brazil GHG Protocol Program Specifications: Accounting, Quantifying, and Reporting Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories** (requirements and guidance for Brazilian companies and other organizations to complete GHG inventories. These specifications are based on the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and have specifically been adapted to the Brazilian reality.) * **Brazil cross-sectoral emissions calculation tool** * **Brazil Program public on-line emissions registry and user's manual** * **Brasil Program reporting template**