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Name of source ETH-ESU 96 libraries
Provider Environmental Consultancy for Business and Authorities (ESU – services)
Summary text The data include emissions from primary energy extraction, refining and delivery, mineral resource extraction, raw material production, production of semi-manufactures, auxiliary and working materials, supply of transport and waste treatment services, the construction of infrastructures and energy conversion and transmission. The system descriptions represent the Swiss and the Western European energy supply situation concerning production and imports of fossil and fissile fuels and production and trade of electricity. Therefore data cover the Swiss and Western European situation.
Licensing Free
Language(s) English
Access – data formats and accessibility
File type EcoSpold
Software needs SimaPro, Umberto, GaBi
Contents – breadth and depth of datasets
Age 1996
Geography Switzerland, Europe
Original Data Source(s) Unknown
Other Databases Included Unknown
Life cycle stages Cradle-to-Grave
Modeling approach LCA
Emissions results Total CO2e
Number of datasets Unknown
Main topics Energy carriers and technologies; Transport; Materials production; End-of-life treatment; Wastes
Other topics  
Data transparency – what metadata is provided for each dataset?
System boundaries Yes
Data Types Process
Allocation Methods Yes
Technology Yes
Data year Yes
Original source Yes
Uncertainty No
Quality – is information provided on data quality?
Data quality score Unknown
Quality assurance Unknown
Standards compliant Unknown