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Name of source Encompass™
Provider Internat Energy Solutions Canada
Summary text Encompass™ is an industry-leading, greenhouse gas accounting and risk management tool that combines international carbon expertise and extensive research databases, making Encompass™ a natural choice for definitive,
powerful and flexible greenhouse gas accounting and risk management.
Contact Livio Nichilo
Licensing Access to emissions factors and its sources is available to those who have completed the training.
Language(s) English
Access – data formats and accessibility
File type .xlsm – Macro Enabled Excel Workbook
Software needs Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher
Contents – breadth and depth of datasets
Age 3 years (2009)
Geography Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Canada
Original Data Source(s) Bilan Carbone® from France as well as Canadian industrial research and statistics
Other Databases Included Various
Life cycle stages All
Modeling approach Various
Emissions results Total CO2e, separate scopes, separate GHGs
Number of datasets Approximately 250
Main topics Electricity use, fossil fuel combustion, Transportation – Air, vehicle, public transit, marine, Freight, Waste, Water, Material goods, Tertiary services, Property
Other topics  
Data transparency – what metadata is provided for each dataset?
System boundaries Yes
Data Types Process, hybrid
Allocation Methods Yes
Technology Yes
Data year Yes
Original source Yes
Uncertainty Yes
Quality – is information provided on data quality?
Data quality score No
Quality assurance No
Standards compliant ISO 14064; GHG Protocol