Summary Report of Scope 2 Guidance Survey Feedback Now Available
Between November 2022 and March 2023, GHG Protocol invited interested stakeholders to provide feedback via four surveys on the Corporate Standard, the Scope 2 Guidance, the Scope 3 Standard, and market-based accounting approaches.
GHG Protocol received over 400 responses to the Scope 2 Guidance Survey. This draft summary report provides a detailed overview of stakeholder feedback from the Scope 2 Guidance survey. The report builds on the “Topline Findings from Scope 2 Feedback” webinar, hosted by GHG Protocol in May 2023, by providing a more comprehensive and detailed summary of responses.
You can access the survey feedback materials here:
- Scope 2 Survey Feedback Executive Summary
- Full Scope 2 Survey Feedback Draft Summary
- GHG Protocol Standards Update Process: Topline Findings from Scope 2 Feedback - YouTube
Review Period for Scope 2 Survey Summary Report open until Friday, September 8th
To ensure that GHG Protocol is accurately representing stakeholder feedback from the Scope 2 Guidance Survey responses, GHG Protocol is holding a review period to invite comments from individuals/organizations who completed the Scope 2 Guidance Survey.
If you, or your organization, completed the Scope 2 Guidance survey, we encourage you to review the draft summary to ensure your feedback is represented accurately in the draft summary. To do so, please complete this form by Friday, September 8th.
The GHG Protocol secretariat will then review all responses to feedback submitted via this form during the review period to release a final version of the Scope 2 Survey Summary Report.
Next Steps in Standards Update Process
The Scope 2 Survey Summary Report will support the development of specific workplans and inform discussions around key revisions to scope 2 and related GHG Protocol standards. New information beyond what is included in this summary will continue to be solicited and/or accepted throughout the revisions process as it becomes available to help inform the stakeholder process and decisions made by GHG Protocol’s governing bodies.
In addition to the survey responses, GHG Protocol received over 70 proposal submissions related to scope 2. All shared proposals can be viewed here. Along with the survey summary process, the GHG Protocol secretariat is meeting with organizations that submitted a scope 2 proposal for further discussions of their proposals. The GHG Protocol has tentatively identified several common themes within the scope 2-related proposals submitted, which reflect similar themes that emerged from the Scope 2 Survey responses presented in the survey summary.
The next phase of stakeholder engagement will center on transparent evaluation of these proposals. The goals of this work are to support widespread understanding of the proposals and GHG Protocol accounting and reporting principles. The results of these sessions and the summary of survey responses will help inform the initial topics and deliberations for the forthcoming scope 2 technical working group.
GHG Protocol also is in the process of reviewing the responses to the Corporate Standard survey, Scope 3 Standard survey, and market-based accounting survey. Summaries and webinars on the topline findings for each survey are forthcoming.
In tandem with this process, GHG Protocol is finalizing a new governance structure. GHG Protocol’s updated governance is expected to comprise new governing bodies that will provide overall strategic direction and oversight of the standards update process. In addition, GHG Protocol plans to convene a technical working group specific to each standard update workstream.
All information about the standards update process will be shared with subscribers of our newsletter via email. If you’d like to receive email updates, please subscribe to the GHG Protocol newsletter here.