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UPDATE: GHG Protocol Governance Body Applications Deadline Extended
Updated April 9: GHG Protocol is accepting Technical Working Group (TWG) applications on a rolling basis to accommodate individuals who missed the deadline and to fill potential gaps in the composition of TWGs after the TWGs are convened. For those who already submitted an application, there is no need to resubmit. For those that missed the deadline, you may apply via this form.


The application deadline for membership in GHG Protocol's governance bodies is approaching. GHG Protocol is seeking nominations for: 

  • Steering Committee: the primary governing body of the GHG Protocol with the mandate of providing strategic guidance on the goals and direction of the GHG Protocol
  • Independent Standards Board: a decision-making body within the GHG Protocol with the mandate of reviewing and approving GHG Protocol standards and guidance
  • Technical Working Groups: bodies tasks with the development of the technical content of the updated GHG Protocol standards and guidance

Stakeholders should refer to Nominations for Governance Bodies to assist their decision on whether to apply to the Steering Committee, Independent Standards Board, or Technical Working Groups. Applicants can apply to multiple bodies, but will be selected for no more than one. All applications due by January 31, 2024. 

It is anticipated that Technical Working Groups will be constituted by the end of Q1 2024 and the Independent Standards Board and Steering Committee by the end of Q2 2024. 

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