The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is developing corporate-level Land Sector and Removals Guidance, building on the Corporate Standard and Scope 3 Standard. This Guidance will fill a key gap in creating more consistency and transparency in the way companies quantify and report GHG emissions and removals from land use, land use change, biogenic products and carbon dioxide removal technologies. The guidance will play a critical part in informing corporate land sector and removal mitigation strategies and will serve as the basis for the Science-Based Target Initiative and other initiatives.
The Guidance is being developed through a global, inclusive, multi-stakeholder development process started in 2020. Stakeholders include participants from diverse geographies and sectors, including a range of government, business, and civil society stakeholders. The stakeholders are organized into various groups: Advisory Committee, Technical Working Group, Review Group, and Pilot Testing Group.
The process produced a first draft of the guidance in October 2021, which is now being revised through the Technical Working Group and Advisory Committee. The next draft of the Guidance will be available for pilot testing by the Pilot Testing Group and public consultation by the Review Group, expected in July 2022. Interested stakeholders may sign up to review the Guidance by filling out this form here.
For more information on the development of the Land Sector and Removals Guidance please click here.