The Brazil GHG Protocol Program promotes voluntary green GHG management in Brazil by building technical and institutional capacity for GHG accounting and reporting at the organizational level.
Launched in May 2008, Programa Brazileiro GHG Protocol is a partnership of Brazil’s Ministry of Environment, the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Center for Sustainability Studies of the Fundação Getulio Vargas (GVces), the World Business Council on Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute.
The program aims to build capacity on GHG accounting and reporting and provide useful information to stakeholders through:
- Development of standards and tools: Guidance on corporate GHG inventory development, third-party verification and a cross-sectoral calculation tool adapted to Brazilian context are publicly available.
- Training and knowledge production: Since its launch, Programa Brazileiro GHG Protocol’s team has trained more than 1,500 corporate managers on how to measure and manage GHG emissions, and conducted several theme-specific workshops to build up complementary recommendations with the participation of Program’s member companies – e.g. value chain emissions, carbon intensity indicators, carbon management and communication, renewable energy, etc.
- The Public Emissions Registry (online platform for publishing GHG inventories): The biggest Latin American GHG inventory database provides public information for stakeholders of Brazilian companies, including civil society and government.
So far, more than 1,800 GHG inventories are publicly available for consultation and download at the registry.