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The GHG Protocol Agricultural Guidance is a supplement to GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and covers all agricultural subsectors, including livestock, crop production, and land use change.

Land Sector and Removals Guidance

The GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance explains how companies should account for and report GHG emissions and removals from land management, land use change, biogenic products, carbon dioxide removal technologies, and related activities in GHG inventories, building on the Corporate Standard and Scope 3 Standard.

The guidance is currently being developed through a global, inclusive multi-stakeholder development process which began in 2020. The Draft for Pilot Testing and Review is now available (see documents below). The Land Sector and Removals Standard and accompanying Guidance will be finalized in 2024 and publicly released in Quarter 1 2025. The latest update about this workstream can be found here

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About the Land Sector and Removals Guidance

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance explains how companies account for and report the following activities in their greenhouse gas inventories: 
• Land management and land use change 
• CO2 removals and storage in land, product and geologic carbon pools 
• Biogenic products and products derived from technological CO2 removals across the value chain

The new guidance is expected to be used by companies to: 
• Inform mitigation strategies by understanding the GHG emissions and removal impacts of land management, land use change, biogenic products and other CO2 removal activities 
• Set targets and track performance by including the above activities in GHG targets 
• Report GHG inventories including GHG emissions and CO2 removals and report progress toward GHG mitigation goals


Pilot Testing and Review Phase

The Draft for Pilot Testing and Review (September 2022) is now available. This draft is not yet final and does not represent official Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidance. 

This Guidance has been under development through the Advisory Committee and Technical Working Group since 2020.

The pilot testing phase lasts for 4 months (September 15, 2022 - January 15, 2023) and the review phase lasts for 2 months (September 28 - November 30, 2022). Following the pilot testing and review phase, the Guidance will be finalized in consultation with the Advisory Committee and Technical Working Group and published in 2024.

Below is a recording of GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Draft Guidance Review Group launch webinar:


Supporting documents
Review Process
Review Process

Project Overview_25 July 2024


Size: 539.28 KB

Review Group Process Memo


Size: 326.64 KB