At a May 29 launch event in Beijing, WRI introduced the GHG Emissions calculation tool for Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants to an audience of about 100 participants. The tool is one example of GHG Protocol’s work to support climate change mitigation in China. It will enable Chinese power companies to establish a GHG emission inventory of its operations and prepare for GHG emissions management and reduction. As the first instrument specifically designed for calculating emissions from coal-fired power plants in China, the tool is based on the GHG emissions quantification methodologies jointly developed by WRI and China Electricity Council (CEC). It integrates international best experiences in quantifying GHG emissions from coal stationary combustion and the existing statistics framework of China’s power sector. A diverse range of stakeholders were involved in the development of the tool, which is now available for download on the GHG Protocol website. A user guide is under development and is expected to be published in December of this year.
More information on the tool is available here.
Photo credit: Flickr/huy thang nguyen