Corporate Standard Associate

Allison (Alley) Leach is the Corporate Standard Associate for the Greenhouse Gas Protocol at the World Resources Institute’s Climate Program. She supports the process to update the existing Corporate Standard and to develop new guidance.
Prior to joining WRI, Alley worked on carbon and nitrogen footprint tool development, education, and training at the University of New Hampshire Sustainability Institute. She was a developer of SIMAP (, a campus carbon and nitrogen footprint tool hosted by the UNH Sustainability Institute. Alley led the research, new development, intern recruitment and support, outreach, and user support for SIMAP. She was also an instructor for two greenhouse gas accounting training programs at UNH: An experiential learning undergraduate course called the Climate Action Clinic and a professional development course called the Carbon Footprinting Certificate.
As a developer of personal and organization-level nitrogen footprint models, Alley is also an active member of the international nitrogen research community. She holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies from the University of New Hampshire and a B.S. and M.S. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia. In her free time, she enjoys reading, gardening, cooking, and spending time with her husband, cat, and dog.