Scope 2 Senior Associate

Chelsea Gillis is a Senior Associate Scope 2 at WBCSD, supporting the research and stakeholder process to revise and update the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.
Before joining the GHG Protocol secretariat in January 2024, Chelsea worked for the Australian government where she supported organisations to measure their GHG emissions, implement emission reduction strategies and transparently disclose their emissions impact. She also advised on updates to the Scope 2 accounting framework used across Australian government GHG emissions reporting programs. Chelsea is specialised in sustainable business management and spent the early years of her career advising corporates on how to improve social and environmental conditions across their value chain through the Fairtrade certification system. Chelsea holds a MA in International Sustainable Tourism Management and a BA in International Studies. She has recently relocated from Canberra, Australia to Amsterdam, the Netherlands.