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Dominic Waughray

Steering Committee member


Executive Vice President (EVP) at World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Dominic Kailashnath Waughray is Executive Vice President (EVP) and a member of the Leadership Team (LT) at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), based in Geneva Switzerland.

Dominic joined WBCSD in October 2021.

In his role as EVP, Dominic leads the Climate, Nature and Tackling Inequality Imperatives as part of WBCSD’s strategy.

Working closely with WBCSD Member companies, he focuses on building, scaling and accelerating collaborative business solutions that: – reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mainstream climate change adaptation; – improve corporate accountability for decarbonization; – scale corporate action to become nature positive; grow high integrity investments in nature based solutions; – and tackle rising inequality. Dominic also has responsibility for WBCSD’s policy and advocacy and takes an active role in engaging companies from key emerging economies such as Brazil, China and India into WBCSD activities. He works in close partnership to deliver these business solutions with WBCSD’s Pathways and Redefining Value Program pillars.
Dominic holds the following Advisory, Board and Affiliate positions:

• Member of SAP Sustainability Advisory Panel

• Member of Corporate Eco-Forum Advisory Board

• Member, Council of Trustees Flora and Fauna International

• Member of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Advisory Board