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ANNOUNCEMENT: GHG Protocol Launches Call for Expression Of Interest for Technical Working Group Participation
Updated April 9: GHG Protocol is accepting Technical Working Group (TWG) applications on a rolling basis to accommodate individuals who missed the deadline and to fill potential gaps in the composition of TWGs after the TWGs are convened. For those who already submitted an application, there is no need to resubmit. For those that missed the deadline, you may apply via this form.


As the urgency and scale of 1.5°C-aligned climate action continue to grow, science-based greenhouse gas accounting and reporting standards are needed more than ever. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol continues to provide the world's most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards and is evolving its governance to further bolster the credibility and integrity of these standards. The transformation comes as GHG Protocol both seeks to recruit members for its new Steering Committee and Independent Standards Boards as well as expressions of interest to join the Technical Working Groups.

This governance restructuring is part of GHG Protocol’s overall strategy refresh. In May 2022, GHG Protocol initiated a strategy and organizational review process, including soliciting feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders. This feedback calls for a more formalized governance process and increased transparency and speed of standards development. 

Under the new structure, organizational governance will now be overseen by a Steering Committee, which will provide strategic guidance on the goals and direction of the GHG Protocol. This body will approve GHG Protocol’s mission, vision, strategy, and rules of procedure, appoint members to the Independent Standards Board, provide oversight of the Independent Standards Board and ratify its decisions.  The GHG Protocol Secretariat will continue to be hosted by World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Center for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). 

The new Independent Standards Board, made up of leading global experts will oversee the standards development process, and ultimately approve final standards and guidance.

Under the oversight of the Independent Standards Board, the Technical Working Groups will be convened on specific topics to develop the technical content of the standards. These groups will play a primary role in the development of the technical content of the updated GHG Protocol standards and guidance.  

Once the GHG Protocol update process commences there will also be opportunities to participate in Review Groups. The Review Groups, open to all stakeholders, will provide feedback on draft standards. Pilot Testing Groups may also be convened as needed.  

GHG Protocol Governance


Next Steps and How to Get Involved 

Technical Working Groups

For more information on these bodies, including instructions on how to apply, please click here. Applications are due by January 31, 2024. 

Candidates will be considered on a rolling basis. It is anticipated that Technical Working Groups will be constituted by the end of Q1 2024.

Apply Here


Experts and stakeholders should refer to the Nominations for Governance Bodies documentation to assist their decision on whether to apply to the Steering Committee, Independent Standards Board, Technical Working Groups. Applicants can apply to multiple bodies, but will be selected for no more than one.

More details on the roles, composition, decision-making criteria, and process will be provided on GHG Protocol's website and announced through regular communications. If you'd like to receive email updates from GHG Protocol, please subscribe here.


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