GHG Protocol Releases Draft Summary of Scope 2 Guidance Survey Feedback
Between November 2022 and March 2023, GHG Protocol invited interested stakeholders to provide feedback via four surveys on the Corporate Standard, the Scope 2 Guidance, the Scope 3 Standard, and market-based accounting approaches. The draft summary report provides a detailed overview of stakeholder feedback from the Scope 2 Guidance survey.
To ensure that GHG Protocol is accurately representing stakeholder feedback from the Scope 2 Guidance Survey responses, GHG Protocol is holding a review period to invite comments from individuals/organizations who completed the Scope 2 Guidance Survey. If you, or your organization, completed the Scope 2 Guidance survey, we encourage you to review the draft summary to ensure your feedback is represented accurately in the draft summary. To do so, please complete this form by Friday, September 8th.
Register Now: Webinar on Topline Findings from Corporate Standard and Scope 3 Surveys
On Wednesday, August 23 from 10:00-11:15am ET, the GHG Protocol secretariat will host a webinar highlighting key themes that emerged in the recently concluded Corporate Standard and Scope 3 Standard surveys. Participants will have a chance to submit questions for the speakers in advance as well as during the live session. This session will be recorded for those who are unable to join the live session. Register for the webinar.
Listen Now: Pankaj Bhatia Featured on Global Reporting Initiative’s SDGs Podcast
GRI released the second episode of their SDG’s Podcast, “Adding It Up: The Risks and Rewards of Corporate Climate Reporting,” featuring GHG Protocol Director Pankaj Bhatia. In the episode, the panelists discuss the linkages between GHG emissions accounting and reporting and Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action. Listen to the podcast.
Recordings Available: Regional Webinars on Land Sector and Removals Guidance and SBTi FLAG
Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) hosted a series of regional webinars for stakeholders in Asia, Latin America and Portuguese-speaking countries. In these webinars, experts guide companies through SBTi’s Forest, Land, and Agriculture Guidance (FLAG) target-setting process and provide updates on GHG Protocol’s Land Sector and Removals Guidance. Links to the webinar recordings can be found here.
Scope 3 Summit: From uncertainty to imPACT
Following the success of the virtual Scope 3 Days hosted earlier this year, WBCSD is bringing together the Scope 3 community for an in-person summit on Tuesday, September 19 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm ET at McKinsey & Company, New York. Join the summit to discuss and jointly solve related challenges and meet the PACT team. Register your interest for the session.
Welcoming New Staff to the GHG Protocol Team
Please join us in welcoming our new addition to the GHG Protocol secretariat:
- Elliott Engelmann, Scope 2 Manager
Seeking Applicants for Open Positions
The GHG Protocol Secretariat is looking for experienced individuals to join our team. Full position descriptions and application information can be found here:
- Land Sector Associate
- Application deadline: 8/21
- Senior Associate, Scope 2
- Application deadline: 8/31
If you any have questions, please contact us here. If you'd like to receive GHG Protocol's newsletter and other updates via email, please subscribe here.