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Revised Aluminum Tool Now Available
The International Aluminum Institute (IAI), in association with WBCSD and WRI, announced on Oct. 23 an updated set of tools for calculating GHG emissions from primary aluminum production. “The revised Aluminum Sector Greenhouse Gas Protocol will help to improve still further on the reliability and consistency of the calculation and reporting of greenhouse gases globally throughout the aluminum sector,” said Robert Chase, the Secretary General of IAI in a press release. “It will be of value for internal company use as well as for reporting to the public and to specific audiences such as governments and special interest groups,” Chase said. The new tool is an updated version of the first Aluminum Sector GHG Protocol developed in early 2002, which was supported by the U.S. EPA and based on the GHG Protocol. The revised Aluminum Protocol is the product of two years of development on the part of IAI and is fully harmonized with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and with ISO 14064. WRI and WBCSD have reviewed the aluminum sector tools and endorsed them as conforming to the GHG Protocol Standard. “For years, IAI has led the aluminum sector in responding to the environmental threat posed by PFCs,” said Björn Stigson, WBCSD president. “I believe this new tool will serve as an important example given the current global debate on corporate transparency and reporting.”

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