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GPC Advisory Committee

The development of the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC) is guided by an advisory committee that includes representatives from world leading organizations on sustainable development as well as national governments and cities that have vast experience in low carbon city development:

  • Junichi Fujino, IGES/NIES
  • Kiyoto Tanabe, IPCC
  • Kyra Appleby, CDP
  • Maria Varbeva-Daley, BSI
  • Matthew Lynch, WBCSD
  • Michael Steinhoff, ICLEI US
  • Ragnhild Hammer, Arendal London
  • Sergey Kononov, UNFCCC
  • Shirley Rodrigues, CIFF
  • Stefan Denig, Siemens
  • Victor Hugo Paramo, Mexico City
  • Yoshiaki Ichikawa, ISO
  • Yuuko Nishida, Tokyo
  • Pankaj Bhatia (chair), WRI/GHGP
  • Seth Schultz, C40
  • Yunus Arikan, ICLEI
  • Stephen Hammer, World Bank
  • Robert Kehew, UN-HABITAT
  • Soraya Smaoun, UNEP
  • Adam Szolyak, Covenant of Mayors
  • Alvin Meijia, Clean Air Asia
  • Amanda Eichel, Bloomberg Philanthropies
  • Carina Borgström-Hansson, WWF
  • Farhan Helmi, Indonesia (NCCC)
  • Ines Lockhart, Buenos Aires
  • Jan Corfee-Morlot, OECD
  • Jean-Pierre Tabet, France (ADEME)