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Open Comment Period for Agriculture Guidance

GHG Protocol has released a second draft of its Agricultural Guidance for open comment. The Agricultural Guidance is an international supplement to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard that aims to customize the latter to the agricultural sector, while addressing the unique challenges posed by the sector - accounting for reversible carbon stocks in soils and biomass, setting and tracking progress toward reduction targets against a background of highly variable emissions, quantifying emissions, etc.


Event Recap: WBCSD Council meeting

Last week the annual WBCSD council meeting took place in Seoul, South Korea. This meeting included a constructive session for the Greenhouse Gas Management Working Group. Three strategic priorities for the coming years were agreed upon: 1) Business leading in carbon management, 2) Promoting harmonization in reporting programs, and 3) WRI partnership and collaboration. The first strategic priority will focus on engagement with investors and on CFO and investor relations, as well as on sharing GHG management best practices.


Survey on Calculation Tools

The GHG Protocol aims to ensure wide and effective use of its standards and support companies in the completion of accurate, relevant, complete, consistent and transparent GHG inventories. But the landscape for GHG calculation and verification procedures has been evolving quickly, prompting the need for a public survey to help identify the calculation priorities of our users, along with their perspectives on GHG inventory verification and training in accounting.


First Indian Life Cycle Assessment and Management Conference

The First Indian Life Cycle Assessment and Management Conference in New Delhi, India focuses on the application of lifecycle thinking and tools to guide governments, consumers and business towards sustainable approaches and life styles in India.

Invitation to Comment: Proposed Addition of Gases Reported with GHG Protocol Standards

GHG accounting is not a static field and the GHG Protocol is constantly reviewing its publications to ensure they properly reflect the science on climate change and continue to define best practices for GHG accounting and management. One area the GHG Protocol monitors is the best available scientific evidence regarding the importance of individual GHGs, as evaluated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and as reflected in the guidelines of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for national GHG emissions reporting.


India Workshop on GHG Mitigation Accounting

WRI and ABPS (India) are holding a workshop in India on tracking greenhouse gas performance of mitigation actions and mitigation goals. The workshop will take place on March 7, 2012, in Delhi. The workshop will convene experts and stakeholders from governments, civil society, and the private sector to discuss issues, practices, and solutions related to the technical challenges of quantifying GHG reductions from mitigation actions and tracking national and sub-national performance toward GHG reduction goals.
