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The U.S. Public Sector Works with GHG Protcol to Develop a New Protocol

Public sector organizations are amongst the most important sources of GHG emissions worldwide. Building off 10 years of success in working with the corporate sector, WRI is now developing new accounting guidance for government operations - the GHG Protocol Public Sector Protocol (U.S.). The Protocol is intended as a flexible management tool enabling government agencies of all types to meet multiple reporting objectives.
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Closing the Bankers' Loophole in Emissions Reporting

As the country reflects on the anniversary of the fall of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent bailouts of major banks, pressure is mounting for financial institutions and companies to more fully disclose their investment risks, especially those risks from climate change.

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GHG Protocol Product & Supply Chain Initiative Kicks-Off Stakeholder Advisory Group

August marked the launch of two webinars presented to the Stakeholder Advisory Group for the new standards for Product and Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting. The two-hour webinar was conducted for stakeholders in Europe and North America on August 6th and for stakeholders in Asia on August 27th. The webinars provided an overview of the standards’ development process to date, a review of the initial recommendations, and details of the upcoming comment process on the draft standards.
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Chinese Cement Companies Take Further Steps to Measure and Manage GHG Emissions

In July, the largest 42 cement companies in China will take further steps to measure and manage their GHG emissions. These companies produce approximately 400 million metric tons of cement per year, accounting for over 30% of Chinese cement production. Cement production is a major source of carbon dioxide emissions, accounting for five percent of the global total.
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GHG Protocol's Product & Supply Chain Initiative Launches in Washington, DC and London

A new collaboration launches to develop standards for measuring and managing GHG emissions throughout the product life cycle and across the entire corporate value chain. The group is the GHG Protocol’s Product and Supply Chain Initiative, convened under the GHG Protocol. The project’s Steering Committee and technical working groups launched in September, in a series of meetings in Washington, DC and London, involving over 100 participants.
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