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Development of GHG Protocol Online Development Course

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is looking for financial support to develop an online training course for both practitioners and trainers on the Corporate Standard. This will be a part of the Training and Capacity Building Initiative’s global, multi-year effort to scale-up the capacity of companies, governments and other organizations in developing countries to measure and manage greenhouse gas emissions. The Protocol seeks to develop an effective on-line course based on the Corporate Standard training materials that are already available but with additional web-based learning features.
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Greenhouse Gas Management Institute Launch Professional Certification Program

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute and the Environmental Careers Organization of Canada (ECO Canada) have announced a groundbreaking global personnel certification program for “carbon management” professionals. The Environmental Professional Certification on Greenhouse Gases – EP (GHG) – is the world’s first and only professional greenhouse gas-related certification accredited to ISO 17024.
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Chinese Companies Pilot-Test a New Energy-GHG Conversion Software

On July 8, 2011, through USAID’s Partnership for Climate Action (PCA), GHG Protocol held a training and pilot-testing workshop in the Guangdong Province of China on its new “Energy-GHG Conversion Tool”. Fifteen participants from five companies representing the power, semiconductor, glass manufacturing, paper, and textile industries attended.
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Citywide Greenhouse Gas Accounting Initiative in China Launched

On May 5, 2011, USAID’s US-China Partnership for Climate Action program partners, the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) and the World Resource Institute (WRI), signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Municipality Government of Xiaolan to launch the Xiaolan Low Carbon Initiative.
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Stakeholder Dialogue on Corporate GHG Accounting in India

The Energy and Resources Institute – Business Council for Sustainable Development (TERI-BCSD), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), and the World Resources Institute (WRI) organized a stakeholder dialogue on Corporate GHG Accounting in India on February 2nd, 2011. The event was held on the sidelines of the World CEO Forum 2011 and was the first formal consultation of a project between TERI and WRI. The partnership aims to build capacity on corporate GHG accounting and gain an appreciation of the necessary steps required for developing a national GHG program.
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GHG Protocol holds green power accounting workshops in Washington DC and London

To garner feedback on the issues and options related to green power accounting, the GHG Protocol team held discussion-based workshops over the past few months tailored to US and European audiences specifically. The DC workshop on December 13th, 2010 centered around accounting practices relating to renewable energy credits (RECs), best practices for assuring clear emission attribute ownership, and how an emissions cap on the power sector impacts voluntary green power purchases.

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