Final Summary of Scope 2 Guidance Survey Feedback Now Available
Between November 2022 and March 2023, GHG Protocol invited interested stakeholders to provide feedback via four surveys on the Corporate Standard, the Scope 2 Guidance, the Scope 3 Standard, and market-based accounting approaches.
In July 2023, GHG Protocol released a draft version of the scope 2 survey summary and held a review period to invite comments from individuals/organizations who completed the survey. The GHG Protocol Secretariat reviewed all comments submitted during the review period and is now releasing the final scope 2 survey summary.

The summary builds on the “Topline Findings from Scope 2 Feedback” webinar by providing a more comprehensive and detailed summary of responses.
Next Steps in the Standards Updates Process
The GHG Protocol Secretariat is now in the process of developing specific workplans for each survey workstream. Written summaries of the remaining three surveys are forthcoming and will be made publicly available on GHG Protocol’s survey webpage and shared via email.