Webinar Recording Now Available: Topline Findings from Market-based Accounting Approaches Feedback
On October 3, the GHG Protocol secretariat hosted a webinar reviewing the key themes presented by stakeholders in the recently concluded market-based accounting approaches survey and related proposal submissions. Visit our website to watch the webinar recording, access the webinar slide deck and review the proposal submissions.
Seeking Feedback: GPC Survey Open Until November 15
GHG Protocol is seeking stakeholder input to understand the need, scope, and potential approaches to inform updates or additional guidance related to the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, also known as the Global Protocol for Cities or GPC. The survey can be accessed here, and respondents also have the option to submit a proposal for updates to the GPC or for additional guidance. All feedback must be submitted by November 15 via the survey form or proposal template to be considered.
Standards Update Process: Where We Are Now
GHG Protocol completed public webinars reviewing the topline findings from the four survey workstreams (Corporate Standard, Scope 2, Scope 3, and market-based accounting), which were recorded and are accessible here for viewing. GHG Protocol also released a draft written summary of the findings from the scope 2 survey, and written summaries for the other three workstreams are forthcoming. GHG Protocol is now in the process of drafting the other written summaries, developing specific timelines and workplans for each survey workstream and creating terms of reference for future Technical Working Groups. More information about this work will be shared with this distribution list in the coming weeks.
GHG Protocol Statement on California’s Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act
On October 7, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law California’s Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act (SB 253), which directs the State Air Resources Board to develop regulations requiring corporations that do business in California, with annual revenues over $1 billion, to publicly disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Reporting entities must provide annual disclosures for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions starting in 2026 and must report scope 3 emissions starting in 2027. Read GHG Protocol Director Pankaj Bhatia’s statement on the legislation.
GHG Protocol at Climate Week: Net Zero Value Chains Event Recording
GHG Protocol Director Pankaj Bhatia participated in a NYC Climate Week event hosted by The Value Change Initiative and Sustain CERT on enabling collaboration to unlock value chain decarbonization. Pankaj spoke on the plenary panel “Exploring Mechanisms to Solve for Traceability and Accounting Challenges,” which addressed the role value chain interventions and market-based mechanisms can play in accelerating value chain decarbonization. Watch the recording of the session here.
GHG Protocol at the RE-Source 2023 Conference
On October 25, GHG Protocol’s Kyla Aiuto, Scope 2 Manager, will present at RE-Source's energy-buyer workshop, “Granular Data for Energy Decarbonization, Procurement & Reporting.” The presentation will cover a summary of feedback collected by the GHG Protocol earlier this year on various potential updates to scope 2 accounting requirements and the common thread of granular data that enables a variety of proposed changes.
WBCSD Carbon Performance and Accountability Multistakeholder Roundtable
WBCSD convened a multistakeholder roundtable at New York Climate Week, during which participants discussed how to simplify processes and promote best practices for widespread adoption of existing standards. The roundtable breakout sessions focused on alignment and harmonization of the GHG accounting and reporting ecosystem, challenges around sourcing data and approaches to achieving net zero.
WBCSD Scope 3 Summit: From Uncertainty to ImPACT
Pankaj Bhatia served as a panelist in WBCSD’s Scope 3 Summit, which was facilitated by WBCSD’s Anna Stanley-Radière, Director, Climate Transparency. The panel discussed how to unlock carbon-informed decision making and highlighted best practices for scope 3 emissions accounting.
WRI Seeking Feedback on Financing Nature-based Solutions
World Resources Institute is conducting research on how companies are deciding to finance Nature-based Solutions (NBS). The goal of this survey is to better understand companies' internal decision-making procedures and key considerations around NBS investments. The survey can be accessed here and feedback is due by Tuesday, October 31st. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete, and survey responses will be anonymized. Please direct any questions to nbs.guidebook@wri.org.
Welcoming New Staff to the GHG Protocol Team
Please join us in welcoming our new additions to the GHG Protocol secretariat:
- Wee Kean Fong, Director, Asia-Pacific Engagement & Director, National and Subnational Standards, leads GHG Protocol’s government sector work, including greenhouse gas accounting for cities and countries.
- Iain Hunt, Senior Associate, Corporate Standard, manages the process to revise and develop additional guidance for the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard.
If you any have questions, please contact us here. If you'd like to receive GHG Protocol's newsletter and other updates via email, please subscribe here.