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Lessons Learned From Low-Carbon City Planning In Malaysia

Low-carbon city development has become a central part of the Malaysian government’s strategy to meet its greenhouse gas (GHG) commitments. The country, currently ranked second in terms of emissions per capita in Southeast Asia, has committed to reduce the emissions intensity of its gross domestic product (GDP) by 40 percent from 2005 levels by 2020.

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3 Lessons for Better Supply Chain Management

What do three leading chemical, automobile, and software companies have in common? All three – Honda, BASF, and SAP – are looking to curb risks and take advantage of opportunities across their global supply chains.

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For the First Time, GHG Protocol to help Brazil Measure Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture

This past Sunday, WRI’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol team conducted a session at the Rio+20 event, “The Green Economy: Driving Business Value and Competitiveness.” The session included great dialogue between business leaders, policy makers, and WRI experts, and featured one very significant declaration: The British Ambassador to Brazil, Alan Charlton.

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RELEASE: New Greenhouse Gas Standards Unveiled for Corporate Value Chain and Products in India

NEW DELHI (MARCH 15, 2012) – The Greenhouse Gas Protocol launched two new standards today in New Delhi, India, to empower businesses to better measure, manage, and report their greenhouse gas emissions. Developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) and Product Life Cycle Standards enable companies to save money, reduce risks, and gain competitive advantages.

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Global Climate Community Releases City-Scale Emissions Accounting Standard for Public Comment

Today C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability have released a draft edition of the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions, commencing a one month period of public comment on the landmark effort, which harmonizes the emissions measurement and reporting process for cities of all sizes and geographies.

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Greenhouse Gas Protocol Launches in India

The use of standards to account for corporate greenhouse gases is increasingly common in developed countries – but it is emerging in developing countries as well. In India, companies’ focus on value chain inventories and life cycle thinking is in nascent stages. 

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GHG Protocol: The Gold Standard for Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Today the GHG Protocol launches two new global greenhouse gas accounting standards - for corporate value chains (scope 3) and product life cycle emissions. Janet Ranganathan, WRI's Vice-president for Science & Research, and Pankaj Bhatia, WRI’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol Director since 2004, describe the 12-year program's critical role in business and government efforts to address climate impacts

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Sector Guidance

The GHG Protocol is often approached by industry organizations and companies asking if we can partner with them to develop new GHG accounting guidance or tools, or whether we can endorse tools they have already developed. GHG Protocol has just released a draft policy for dealing with such requests. It outlines the development and review processes needed before tools can be co-branded with GHG Protocol and/or listed on our website.
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Closing the Bankers' Loophole in Emissions Reporting

As the country reflects on the anniversary of the fall of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent bailouts of major banks, pressure is mounting for financial institutions and companies to more fully disclose their investment risks, especially those risks from climate change.

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Top Ten Questions about the Scope 2 Guidance

On January 20, the GHG Protocol released the Scope 2 Guidance: an amendment to the Corporate Standard. It is the first major revision to the Corporate Standard in over 11 years. To help companies start implementing the Guidance, here are a few answers to the top ten questions you might have and where to find more information in the Guidance document.

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Fossil Fuels - What's at Risk?

Because the value of fossil fuel companies is based on the size of their reserves, it may seem counter-intuitive to see some of these assets as potential risks. But changes in market or economic conditions can make some reserves too expensive to tap, leaving them stranded – and their owners more vulnerable than the size of their reserves would indicate.

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You, too, can master value chain emissions

For many businesses, value chain (scope 3) emissions account for more than 70 percent of their carbon footprint. Measuring and managing these emissions can motivate a company to do business with greener suppliers, improve the energy efficiency of its products, and rethink its distribution network -- measures that significantly reduce the overall impact on the climate.

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