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Launch of the Product Life Cycle and Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standards

On October 4th, 2011 business leaders from around the world will come together to see the new GHG Protocol standards unveiled for the first time. Simultaneous events in New York City and London will be first in a series of launch events around the world. Launch events are already planned for November 18th in Beijing and November 21st in Tokyo. These groundbreaking standards establish the first internationally agreed-upon approaches for measuring and reporting GHG emissions throughout product life cycles and corporate value chains.

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First International Workshop of GHG Protocol-Based Programs

New developments are driving the need for GHG accounting programs around the world to evolve more efficiently, more effectively, and at a greater scale. On the business side, there is a trend toward managing GHG emissions along the value chain. Companies are looking up and down the supply chain and throughout the product life-cycle for GHG management opportunities. As climate policy becomes a reality in industrialized and developing countries around the world, many emerging economies are adopting voluntary national GHG mitigation targets and identifying the policies and measures to best achieve them. These trends point to the need for greatly enhanced GHG accounting capacity and tools at a global scale to ensure that mitigation actions can be measurable, reportable and verifiable. 

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Inventários de Emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa para Cidades - GPC

O programa GHG Protocol do World Resources Institute – WRI pretende contribuir com o esforço coletivo mundial em busca de uma economia resiliente e do equilíbrio climático do planeta. Para isso, desenvolve ferramentas de apoio à contabilização e reporte de emissões de GEE, como o GHG Protocol para empresas, reconhecido e adotado mundialmente. 

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Invitation to Comment: Proposed Addition of Gases Reported with GHG Protocol Standards

GHG accounting is not a static field and the GHG Protocol is constantly reviewing its publications to ensure they properly reflect the science on climate change and continue to define best practices for GHG accounting and management. One area the GHG Protocol monitors is the best available scientific evidence regarding the importance of individual GHGs, as evaluated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and as reflected in the guidelines of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for national GHG emissions reporting.

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GHG Protocol Releases India GHG Program Guide

The month of October saw the CD-release of the final version of the India program guide by the Indian Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Climate Change, Mr Shyam Saran. In his remarks, Mr Saran emphasized the importance of businesses taking the initiative to deal with climate change and encouraged public-private partnerships. The guide provides guidance and examples to assist companies in accounting for, quantification and tracking of their greenhouse gas emissions using internationally accepted Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard.

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India Launch of Product Life Cycle and Corporate Value Chain Accounting and Reporting Standards

Following the launch of the Product Life Cycle and Corporate Value Chain Accounting and Reporting Standards in New York City, London, Beijing, and Tokyo, the GHG Protocol will be launching the standards in India on March 15, 2012. The event will be hosted by the World Resources Institute (WRI), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). The launch event will take place in the morning and be followed by training workshops on the new standards in the afternoon.

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GHG Protocol Product Program Workshop

Please join us October 25th for the first GHG Protocol Product Program Workshop. The workshop brings together product measurement, reporting, and labeling programs from around the world to: Learn how the GHG Protocol Product Standard can benefit established and developing GHG programs; Discuss ways of promoting consistency and harmonization between programs; Identify areas where the GHG Protocol can provide value and support; and Provide an opportunity for discussion and peer learning on the challenges and opportunities in program development and implementation.

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GHG Protocol holds green power accounting workshops in Washington DC and London

To garner feedback on the issues and options related to green power accounting, the GHG Protocol team held discussion-based workshops over the past few months tailored to US and European audiences specifically. The DC workshop on December 13th, 2010 centered around accounting practices relating to renewable energy credits (RECs), best practices for assuring clear emission attribute ownership, and how an emissions cap on the power sector impacts voluntary green power purchases.

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Hong Kong Adopts GHG Protocol for Building Sector

Accounting for 89 percent of end-use electricity consumption, buildings are the focus of a new ‘Carbon Audit’ campaign aimed to tackle climate change in Hong Kong. On July 24, Hong Kong’s ‘Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purpose) in Hong Kong’ based on the WRI-WBCSD GHG Protocol was launched in a ceremony attended by 37 major organizations, including all of Hong Kong’s major property developers, as well as media.

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Greenhouse Gas Management Institute Launch Professional Certification Program

The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute and the Environmental Careers Organization of Canada (ECO Canada) have announced a groundbreaking global personnel certification program for “carbon management” professionals. The Environmental Professional Certification on Greenhouse Gases – EP (GHG) – is the world’s first and only professional greenhouse gas-related certification accredited to ISO 17024.
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GHG Protocol Publishes Draft Licensing Policy for Public Comment

GHG Protocol has published a draft royalty-free Licensing Policy and plans to integrate this agreement into all online calculation tools and standards in the New Year. GHG Protocol website visitors will be asked to sign-in before downloading all online tools and standards and will then be asked to accept or decline the license presented before them. Users will not be asked to accept the license every time they download tools and standards; a one-time review of the license is all that is required.

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