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WRI Launches GHG Protocol Mitigation Accounting Initiative

Many countries are planning and implementing a variety of climate change policies and GHG reduction goals at the national and sub-national levels. As they do so, they are facing new pressures to account for GHG reductions achieved through individual mitigation actions and policies and to track progress toward GHG reduction goals. 

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Survey on Calculation Tools

The GHG Protocol aims to ensure wide and effective use of its standards and support companies in the completion of accurate, relevant, complete, consistent and transparent GHG inventories. But the landscape for GHG calculation and verification procedures has been evolving quickly, prompting the need for a public survey to help identify the calculation priorities of our users, along with their perspectives on GHG inventory verification and training in accounting.

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Workshop: Integrando Agropecuária aos Inventários Corporativos de GEE

Inscreva-se agora e contribua para a próxima geração de ferramentas de gestão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) relativa à agropecuária Brasileira. O GHG Protocol cordialmente lhe convida a participar do encontro cujo foco será ajudar no desenvolvimento de ferramentas (um protocolo de contabilização de GEE e um conjunto de fatores de emissão) específicas para o Brasil. 

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Revised Aluminum Tool Now Available

The International Aluminum Institute (IAI), in association with WBCSD and WRI, announced on Oct. 23 an updated set of tools for calculating GHG emissions from primary aluminum production
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New Guidance Makes Corporate Value Chain Accounting Easier

An effective corporate climate change strategy requires a detailed understanding of a company’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Until recently, most companies have focused on measuring emissions from their own operations and electricity consumption, using the GHG Protocol’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 framework. 

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Released For Review: New Standards For Tracking GHG Emissions From Policies And Goals

With the latest round of global climate negotiations at an end, many countries, states, and cities around the world are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through mitigation policies and goals. Decision-makers need to understand the emissions impacts associated with these initiatives in order to evaluate effectiveness, make sound decisions, and assess progress.

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We Need Your Help: Take Our Survey on Greenhouse Gas Accounting for the Financial Sector

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol recently partnered with the UNEP Finance Initiative in a critically important endeavor – developing guidance to help the financial sector measure its ”financed emissions” and track reductions. These types of emissions, which are associated with lending and investments, are the most significant part of a financial institution’s carbon footprint.

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A New Tool for Low-Carbon Agriculture in Brazil

Brazil’s farms are major, global producers of beef, soybeans, sugarcane, coffee, rice, and more. Yet they’re also major producers of greenhouse gas emissions. Two new resources aim to reduce the emissions intensity of Brazil’s agricultural sector.

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Managing GHG Emissions from Agriculture: A Unique but Solvable Challenge

Thousands of companies have developed greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories in recent years as a crucial first step towards measuring and ultimately reducing their emissions. Agricultural emissions are a large part of many of those inventories: farming is currently responsible for between 10 and 12 percent of global GHG emissions. Globally, agricultural emissions are expected to increase by more than 50 percent by 2030, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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GHG Protocol to Publish Two New Documents

The GHG Protocol Initiative will release two publications at the beginning of July, “Guidelines for Quantifying GHG Reductions from Grid-Connected Electricity Projects” and “Designing a Customized Greenhouse Gas Calculation Tool.”

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