The Mitigation Goal Standard Online Course is designed to help policymakers and analysts design GHG reduction goals and track progress toward achieving them.
Now available in French and Spanish!
The course is based on the GHG Protocol Mitigation Goal Standard. It has been designed to help users set emission reduction targets, account for their progress, meet domestic or international emissions reporting objectives, and ensure that efforts to reduce emissions are achieving their intended results.
The course typically takes 6-12 hours total to complete. Familiarity with the Mitigation Goal Standard is not necessary, but users are strongly encouraged to refer to the standard along with the online course for maximum benefit.
After completing the course, students will be able to:
- Understand key concepts and terminology used in the Mitigation Goal Standard
- Design a mitigation goal(s) based on your specific situation
- Calculate base year emissions, base year emission intensity, or baseline scenario emissions
- Understand special accounting considerations for the land sector
- Calculate allowable emissions in the target year
- Assess progress towards a mitigation goal during the goal period
- Assess whether a mitigation goal has been achieved
- Understand the benefits, key concepts, and types of verification that can be pursued
- Report the required information regarding the design and accounting of progress toward a mitigation goal
- Know the information that must be reported (related to the design of the goal and accounting approaches followed) in order for an assessment to be in conformance with the standard
The registration fee for this course is $185 (US Dollars).