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Inventory and Project Accounting: A Comparative Review

In 1998, WRI and WBCSD formed a partnership to develop the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate Standard, published in 2001 and revised in 2004, and the GHG Protocol for Project Accounting (Project Protocol), published in 2005. These standards provide two methods to account for emissions, respectively: entity-level GHG inventory accounting, which describes how to quantify and allocate an organization’s share of emissions to the atmosphere, and project-based GHG accounting, which describes how to evaluate emissions effects of a project relative to a counterfactual baseline scenario without the project.  

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ANNOUNCEMENT: GHG Protocol Launches Call for Expression Of Interest for Technical Working Group Participation

Updated April 9: GHG Protocol is accepting Technical Working Group (TWG) applications on a rolling basis to accommodate individuals who missed the deadline and to fill potential gaps in the composition of TWGs after the TWGs are convened. For those who already submitted an application, there is no need to resubmit. For those that missed the deadline, you may apply via this form. GHG Protocol anticipates convening Technical Working Groups towards the end of Q2 2024.  

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ANNOUNCEMENT: GHG Protocol Launches New Governance with Call for Steering Committee and Independent Standards Board Applications

This governance restructuring is part of GHG Protocol’s overall strategy refresh. In May 2022, GHG Protocol initiated a strategy and organizational review process, including soliciting feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders. This feedback calls for a more formalized governance process and increased transparency and speed of standards development. 

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