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User Survey Highlights Most Valued Tools and Resources

Earlier this summer, GHG Protocol conducted a survey to collect input from all of our users regarding our tools and resources. With increasing opportunities and challenges in providing a broader range of GHG-inventory services, it is important to know what our users value most and how to prioritize improvements of these resources. The survey included questions about our downloadable Excel-based calculation tools, the availability of emission factors and guidance documents, and training and verification resources.

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WRI-Facilitated U.S. Registry Launched

For some time now, U.S. states have been well ahead of the federal government in taking action on climate change. In April came the latest big development: 34 U.S. states, two Canadian provinces (British Columbia and Manitoba), and the Campo Kumeyaay Nation joined together to form the Climate Registry.
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WRI and Sun Talk Energy and Sustainable Business at 2008 Net Impact Conference

WRI participated in the annual 2008 Net Impact Conference, held at the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia on November 15th. GHG Protocol joined a panel for the three-hour OpenEco Energy Camp Saturday morning session, sponsored by Sun Microsystems. The session centered around Sun’s global online-community, that provides free tools to help participants measure, track, and compare energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) performance.

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Written Comments on Draft Product and Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standards

The first drafts of the GHG Protocol Product and Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standards were released for stakeholder review on November 11th 2009. The draft standards were developed over a nine month period between January and October 2009 through the work of 7 technical working groups comprised of more than 160 members, with strategic guidance provided by a 25 member steering committee.

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WRI Launches New Corporate Consultative Group

On September 16th and 17th, WRI launched its new [Corporate Consultative Group (CCG) in Washington, D.C. This group provides member companies with regular exposure to WRI expertise and several opportunities to exchange valuable thinking about shared environmental challenges
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Workshop: Integrando Agropecuária aos Inventários Corporativos de GEE

Inscreva-se agora e contribua para a próxima geração de ferramentas de gestão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) relativa à agropecuária Brasileira. O GHG Protocol cordialmente lhe convida a participar do encontro cujo foco será ajudar no desenvolvimento de ferramentas (um protocolo de contabilização de GEE e um conjunto de fatores de emissão) específicas para o Brasil. 

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Revised Aluminum Tool Now Available

The International Aluminum Institute (IAI), in association with WBCSD and WRI, announced on Oct. 23 an updated set of tools for calculating GHG emissions from primary aluminum production
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Released For Review: New Standards For Tracking GHG Emissions From Policies And Goals

With the latest round of global climate negotiations at an end, many countries, states, and cities around the world are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through mitigation policies and goals. Decision-makers need to understand the emissions impacts associated with these initiatives in order to evaluate effectiveness, make sound decisions, and assess progress.

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We Need Your Help: Take Our Survey on Greenhouse Gas Accounting for the Financial Sector

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol recently partnered with the UNEP Finance Initiative in a critically important endeavor – developing guidance to help the financial sector measure its ”financed emissions” and track reductions. These types of emissions, which are associated with lending and investments, are the most significant part of a financial institution’s carbon footprint.

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